It's Really Not All That Bad!
years, I've been told that there are two types of people: pessimists and
optimists. I’ve also been told that there are realists, optimistic pessimists
and pessimistic optimists. I suppose the variations could go on and on. I once
heard a sermon that was very realistic. The preacher laid bare the bad, unembellished
facts. As I left that service, the conclusion in my hearts was “Boy, things are
really bad. Everything and everyone is bad. The church is bad. I must be really
bad.” I left discouraged, defeated, more a pessimist than ever, even hurt. I
didn’t want to do a thing but sit in my chair and languish. All hope was
seemingly gone.
God brought healing to my heart through His written Word and the guidance of
the Holy Spirit. He showed me that although the facts may show things to be
bad, God was still good, He was still on His throne in control, the sky wasn’t
about to fall, and that although there was a lot of sin and even hate in this
world, God’s amazing grace and love remain also, and they are stronger than the
evil. I John 3:20 states “For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our
heart, and knoweth all things.” God is greater! If when my heart condemns me,
my Heavenly father is much greater than my deceitful heart.
Scripture says that God knows all things. There is no such thing as time with
Him. He’s already in my tomorrow! He know me perfectly. He remains Almighty God,
all-powerful, unchanging, everywhere present at the same time, all-knowing. So,
when you think it’s over, that there is no hope for you, it’s all doom and
gloom, look up at your God and Saviour Jesus Christ. The church is His, not
yours to worry about. You are His child and He cares for you. The world is in
His control. Trust Him! Trust Him! Trust Him! Luke 21:28 challenges us to “look
up and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” It will be OK.